Uranus in Taurus and the housing market

We are in a housing crisis. Not only in the Netherlands, but in many countries around the world. Many people, including myself, are fed up with capitalist greed and unfair housing policies. We believe that everyone deserves the right to affordable housing. That’s why the housing protest (Woonprotest) took place in Amsterdam yesterday. Thousands of people protested against the lack of (affordable) housing, gentrification, evictions, years of waiting lists, slumlords and so on.

The astrological explanation that housing is now at the top of the agenda has everything to do with one of my favorite planets: Uranus. Uranus is a slow moving planet which means it spends about seven years in the same zodiac sign. When Uranus moves into a new zodiac sign it marks a new chapter in the collective. Uranus awakens, disrupts, liberates, innovates and transforms: the planet enforces radical large-scale changes for our own good.

The zodiac sign Uranus transits through reveals the industries and areas of life that will experience polarizing change. In 2018, Uranus moved into the sign of Taurus and will stay in Taurus until April 2026. In mundane astrology - astrology for the collective - the sign of Taurus represents the economy, the housing market, agriculture and everything else that provides security for the people. It rules over our physical world, including our possessions and earnings.

While Uranus moves through Taurus, dramatic shifts will take place, including changes in the housing market. I would love to see more affordable (social) housing, a smaller gap between rich and poor and fair housing opportunities for all, including people of color and refugees, when the journey of Uranus through Taurus ends.

However, even though the stars offer us momentum, it's important to remember that the stars rather incline than compel. The stars don’t do the work for us. WE need to do the actual work! So make your voice heard and join the movement! The time is now! ✊🏼


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